The end-times Church, the scientifically true religion, the Nazarene Christian faith! Re-discovering 1stcentury Christianity with 21st century technology! The Knights Templar monastic movement.

Late Thomas Eidsaa's 1'st century ministries, the last Church, the last defender of truth!

The end-times Church, the scientifically true religion, the Nazarene Christian faith! Re-discovering 1stcentury Christianity with 21st century technology! The Knights Templar monastic movement.

The Love Project

1stcenturyministries Love project is a continuation of the Biblical source-field-physics-metaphysics, the re-discovery of a Christian, universal metaphysical code that unites source-field-physics, philosophy, metaphysics and the Bible together. The goal of 1stcenturyministries love project is to spiritually, morally and scientifically define the ultimate, undeniable humanistic priciniple for world unity in Christ.

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The Wisdom of All Golden Ages, and the Scientific Religion of Source, Love and Light

This is the only scientific, humanistic, inter-religious religion that unites source-field physics, sacred science, sacred ontology, sacred philosophy, and was the first time the concepts of love and light were historically defined. All atheists, and religions will have to accept as this as a factual universal religion of the UN. Anything else would be implausible.